About me...

A photo of snowy Alpine mountains or a photo of the sea. Either picture could tell a lot about whom I am. My two favorite places are the French Alps and the coastline of Cornwall, England. There are indeed several parts of me that may seem contradictory: I am American and French. I speak English and French on a daily basis. And while I was living in Belgium (over 11 years), I had to throw in some Flemish for good measure. While living abroad, I felt like an expat (an outsider) and now back in the US, I feel a bit the same (so much has changed!). My husband and I are raising our two "Third Culture Kids" in between the US and Europe.
So, why am I a writer? Because I love stories! Every time I travel, it's like walking through a chapter of a book -- each sidewalk is a new line. And when I can't travel, I read books! Each line leads the reader down the path that makes up the characters and their journey. Literature is the easiest way to travel!
What do I write? I enjoy creating stories for picture books, early readers, chapter books and middle grade novels.
Why do I write for children? Because I love childhood! I love having the perfect excuse to marvel at the world with a certain innocence that adults may tend to forget: the nervousness of starting school or at a new school, the excitement of birthday parties and dance parties, what it's like to taste salt in the air or chocolate for the first time! (Belgian chocolate helped me relive that joy!)
And before I was an author, I taught French at the elementary, secondary, and college levels. I also worked for a French company in sales and merchandising.
When I am not writing my own stories, I am a freelance editor for businesses, organizations, and other writers of all genres of kid lit.​
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