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Jun 4, 20181 min read
Snake Thoughts/Les Pensées d'un serpent
Watch the following video of a snake making its way through a lake. What is he/she thinking? Where is he/she going? What will happen if...

May 21, 20181 min read
In a Puppy World/ Dans le monde des chiots
These two puppies just met at the park. They are having a really good time with each other! Can you imagine the conversation they could...

May 15, 20181 min read
Together/ Ensemble
See what these three words and/or images can inspire. Write a short story, poem, or draw a picture from what comes to mind: a star, sour,...

May 7, 20181 min read
A Tasty Creation/ Une création pleine de saveur
Use the following three words and three images to write a short story, a poem or to draw a picture: FLAVOR SCALE UNFAIR Utilise les trois...

May 1, 20181 min read
The Trail to... /Le chemin vers...
Let the following photos inspire you to write a story, poem, or to draw a picture. Try to use all three. Laisse-toi être inspiré(e) par...

Apr 24, 20181 min read
The Power of Words/ Le pouvoir des mots
Write the opening sentence of a story or draw a picture inspired by the following words: Ecris la première phrase d'une histoire ou...

Apr 16, 20181 min read
The Perfect Surprise/ La surprise parfaite
Imagine...The one thing you want more than anything in the whole world is at the top of these stairs. But, you're afraid of heights. Will...

Apr 10, 20181 min read
Small Friends with Big Hearts/ Les petits amis avec de grand coeur
Imagine being shrunk down to the size of a tall blade of grass. Your new best friends are a chihuahua and a turtle. You leave off on an...

Apr 2, 20181 min read
An Enchanted Story/ Une histoire enchantée
Create a fairytale from the following three images. Will there be a princess or a knight? Will there be a mean crocodile or a gentle...

Mar 26, 20181 min read
Spring Medley/ Un mélange printanier
Be inspired by these three images to create a short story or poem. Sois inspiré(e) par ces trois images pour créer une petite histoire ou...

Mar 20, 20181 min read
Hide-N-Seek/ Cache-cache
I've always thought it would be amazing to play hide-n-seek at Chambord castle in France... especially with the staircase designed by...

Mar 13, 20181 min read
Beach Life/ La vie de plage
Write a short story, poem, or even write and create a postcard using the following images as inspiration... Ecris une petite histoire, un...

Mar 6, 20181 min read
A Walk in the Dog Park/ Une promenade au parc canin
Pretend your the new dog in the neighbourhood. What would be your name? Imagine that your dear owner has brought you to the nearby dog...

Feb 26, 20181 min read
A Day in a Candy Factory/Une journée à une bonbonnerie
If you could spend the day in a candy shop or factory, what would you do? Would you test each piece of candy? Which would be your...

Feb 20, 20181 min read
The Fairy Encounter/ La Rencontre avec un fée
This fairy has something very important to share with these two little girls. What is her message? What must they do? Will they succeed?...

Feb 13, 20181 min read
As Little as a Leaf/ Aussi petit qu'une feuille
Imagine you were as small as a leaf and could enter in between these stones. How far would you go? What would you find? Would there be...

Feb 5, 20181 min read
A New Day/Une nouvelle journée
This little one just woke up in her new home. What will she discover there? How will she get on with the other dogs in the neighbourhood?...

Feb 1, 20181 min read
In Your Honor/ A ton honneur
You have been invited to receive a great prize. The trip is arranged -- airfare, meals, outings... What do you enjoy most? What is not to...

Jan 23, 20181 min read
An Adventure Along the Rio Grande/ Une aventure le longue du Rio Grande
Imagine a trip along the Rio Grande River. Where are you heading exactly? Where are you coming from? What do you encounter along the way?...

Jan 16, 20181 min read
The Best Path/ Le meilleur chemin
While out hiking with your best friend, you lose your path. Finally, you spot a village where you could find help. But you and your...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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