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Mar 18, 20191 min read
Mr. Iguana, a new friend/ M. Iguane, un nouvel ami
Imagine... having lunch on the beach when this kind fellow comes up to join you. Will you accept his company? Why or why not? Assuming...

Mar 4, 20191 min read
The Glass Hummingbird/Un oiseau-mouche en verre
Imagine... a fairy tale about a hummingbird. Tell the story of how the hummingbird was captured and/or escapes. In what kind of land is...

Feb 26, 20191 min read
A Celebration Day/ Un jour de fête
Every day is worth celebrating!! If you could celebrate ANYTHING today, what would it be? How would you celebrate? Would you decorate or...

Feb 4, 20191 min read
Fill Your Heart/ Remplis ton coeur
Since February is a very sweet month, let's write something in the shape of a heart. It can be very small or very BIG, but try to fill in...

Jan 28, 20191 min read
Tea Time/ L'heure du thé
Imagine... who is sitting down for tea? It could be anyone -- a little mouse, a big mean monster with a sweet tooth, someone you know --...

Jan 14, 20191 min read
The Pottery, the Turtle, and the Apple/ La Poterie, la tortue et la pomme
Imagine... a story, a poem, or a visual scene (paint, draw, etc.) where these three objects each play a role. Try to use all 5 senses as...

Oct 1, 20181 min read
A Doggy Weekend/ Un Week-end de chien
Imagine... your neighbours need you to babysit their dogs for a long weekend. The dogs are so excited to hang out for 3 days together!...

Sep 17, 20181 min read
A Kite's view/ La Vue du cerf-volant
Imagine.... you can fly! You are a kite! From this height, what do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Are you eager to land? Or...

Sep 10, 20181 min read
Let's Take a Walk/ On se promène?
It's going to be a rainy week where I am, so I went outside to take a long walk this morning. Imagine you came with me :) Are you walking...

Sep 4, 20181 min read
Searching for a Clue/ Cherchant un indice
This little chihuahua has picked up a scent. Imagine what she smells. It's leading her somewhere. Imagine where. Suddenly, she hears...

Jun 4, 20181 min read
Snake Thoughts/Les Pensées d'un serpent
Watch the following video of a snake making its way through a lake. What is he/she thinking? Where is he/she going? What will happen if...

May 21, 20181 min read
In a Puppy World/ Dans le monde des chiots
These two puppies just met at the park. They are having a really good time with each other! Can you imagine the conversation they could...

May 15, 20181 min read
Together/ Ensemble
See what these three words and/or images can inspire. Write a short story, poem, or draw a picture from what comes to mind: a star, sour,...

May 7, 20181 min read
A Tasty Creation/ Une création pleine de saveur
Use the following three words and three images to write a short story, a poem or to draw a picture: FLAVOR SCALE UNFAIR Utilise les trois...

May 1, 20181 min read
The Trail to... /Le chemin vers...
Let the following photos inspire you to write a story, poem, or to draw a picture. Try to use all three. Laisse-toi être inspiré(e) par...

Apr 24, 20181 min read
The Power of Words/ Le pouvoir des mots
Write the opening sentence of a story or draw a picture inspired by the following words: Ecris la première phrase d'une histoire ou...

Apr 16, 20181 min read
The Perfect Surprise/ La surprise parfaite
Imagine...The one thing you want more than anything in the whole world is at the top of these stairs. But, you're afraid of heights. Will...

Apr 10, 20181 min read
Small Friends with Big Hearts/ Les petits amis avec de grand coeur
Imagine being shrunk down to the size of a tall blade of grass. Your new best friends are a chihuahua and a turtle. You leave off on an...

Apr 2, 20181 min read
An Enchanted Story/ Une histoire enchantée
Create a fairytale from the following three images. Will there be a princess or a knight? Will there be a mean crocodile or a gentle...

Mar 26, 20181 min read
Spring Medley/ Un mélange printanier
Be inspired by these three images to create a short story or poem. Sois inspiré(e) par ces trois images pour créer une petite histoire ou...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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