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Apr 23, 20191 min read
A pond, a cat, and a diamond ring/ Un étang, un chat, et une bague avec un diamant
Imagine... a story or a poem and/or draw a picture inspired by the following three images. Imagine... une histoire ou un poème et/ou...

Nov 27, 20171 min read
A Quest/ Une Quête
You've been on a long journey... You've traveled in the back of this truck and under a tarp on this boat to finally arrive in the...

Oct 30, 20171 min read
Danger at Sunset/ Danger au coucher du soleil
What could be the relationship between these three images? Use your imagination and write a poem or short story based on what you...

Jun 1, 20161 min read
Abandoned boat / Bateau abandonné...
Where has this boat been? Where has it anchored? What might you find inside? D'où est-il venu ce bateau? Où se trouve-t-il actuellement?...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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