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Oct 29, 20181 min read
An Autumn Morning/ Un matin en automne
Imagine... a story or a poem or a drawing inspired by these photographs. Use just one, a couple, or all of them. Remember to incorporate...

Oct 23, 20181 min read
An Ancient Secret/ Un secret ancien
Imagine... taking a walk and coming upon this Japanese pagoda along your path. In the distance is a man. He has a secret for you. What...

Oct 1, 20181 min read
A Doggy Weekend/ Un Week-end de chien
Imagine... your neighbours need you to babysit their dogs for a long weekend. The dogs are so excited to hang out for 3 days together!...

Sep 24, 20181 min read
The Love of a Palm Tree/ L'Amour du Palmier
What words come to mind when you look at this palm tree? Maybe "tall" or "green" or "big sky"... What words come to mind that aren't...

Sep 17, 20181 min read
A Kite's view/ La Vue du cerf-volant
Imagine.... you can fly! You are a kite! From this height, what do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Are you eager to land? Or...

Feb 13, 20181 min read
As Little as a Leaf/ Aussi petit qu'une feuille
Imagine you were as small as a leaf and could enter in between these stones. How far would you go? What would you find? Would there be...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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