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Oct 15, 20181 min read
Another Point of View/ Un autre point de vue
The roots of this tree have been settled for a very long time. Imagine... from the tree's point of view, how many children must have...

May 7, 20181 min read
A Tasty Creation/ Une création pleine de saveur
Use the following three words and three images to write a short story, a poem or to draw a picture: FLAVOR SCALE UNFAIR Utilise les trois...

Apr 24, 20181 min read
The Power of Words/ Le pouvoir des mots
Write the opening sentence of a story or draw a picture inspired by the following words: Ecris la première phrase d'une histoire ou...

Apr 10, 20181 min read
Small Friends with Big Hearts/ Les petits amis avec de grand coeur
Imagine being shrunk down to the size of a tall blade of grass. Your new best friends are a chihuahua and a turtle. You leave off on an...

Mar 6, 20181 min read
A Walk in the Dog Park/ Une promenade au parc canin
Pretend your the new dog in the neighbourhood. What would be your name? Imagine that your dear owner has brought you to the nearby dog...

Feb 1, 20181 min read
In Your Honor/ A ton honneur
You have been invited to receive a great prize. The trip is arranged -- airfare, meals, outings... What do you enjoy most? What is not to...

Jan 8, 20181 min read
Lost and Found in the Snow/ Perdu et trouvé dans la neige
Imagine that you and a friend are snowshoeing and get lost from your path. Just when you can only feel where your toes used to be and...

Nov 6, 20171 min read
Invitation to Supper/ Invitation au Souper
Tell a story or write a poem based on the following three photographs. Who's invited? Who's cooking? What songs will they play or sing?...

Oct 2, 20171 min read
Tea Time/ L'heure du thé
Let these three images inspire you. Write a a short story, a poem, anything you like based on your imagination. Laisse-toi être inspiré...

Sep 25, 20171 min read
Where to go? Où aller?
Instead of one image followed by a few questions, let's try a few images and one question. Combine anything that comes to mind from these...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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