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Apr 15, 20191 min read
The Egret, the Alligator and the Egg/ L'aigrette, l'alligator et l'oeuf
Imagine... an egret and an alligator are good friends. One day they find a peculiar egg... What do they do with it? Does one of them...

Apr 2, 20191 min read
The Chicken, the Pineapple, and the Daffodils/ La Poule, l'annanas et les jonquilles
Imagine... a story or a poem with a chicken, a pineapple, and some daffodils. What do they have in common? What are their differences?...

Feb 11, 20191 min read
A Friendship Story/ Une histoire d'amitié
Imagine... a snake, an owl, and a dog are best friends. How did they meet? Do they ever disagree? If so, about what? What do they most...

Apr 24, 20171 min read
Between Friends/ Entre Copins
The baby and her her teddy bear are sharing stories about their day. What's the baby's name? What's the teddy bear's name? And, what has...

Mar 27, 20171 min read
Curious Rabbit/ Lapin Curieux
This rabbit smells something on the other side of this door. What is it? How did it get there? How will the rabbit get in (or out) to...

Jan 9, 20171 min read
The Flood/L'Inondation
What sort of storm caused such flooding? Or, how many days has it been raining? Where are these two people going in their kayak? Is...

Sep 12, 20161 min read
The Chairs /Les Chaises
Where did these chairs come from? Where are they now? Who stacked them like this and why? D'où viennent toutes ces chaises? Où sont-elles...

Apr 14, 20161 min read
Spotted in New Mexico/ Vu au Nouveau Mexique
Where is this extra-terrestrial going? What will he or she take along? What will he or she say about our planet? Où va-t-il, cet...

Feb 3, 20161 min read
A Fairy in the Forest / Une fée dans la forêt
Where is the fairy going? From where has she come? Is she alone? Why has she stopped? Où va-t-elle, la fée? D'où vient-elle? Est-elle...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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