When Things are Hard, Remember written by Joanna Rowland and illustrated by Marcela Calderón, published by Beaming Books.
Change is challenging for many of us, but even the smallest changes can disrupt a child's sense of security. Told in second person point of view, When Things are Hard, Remember invites children into a safe space to experience moving from one home to another, from one school to another, and making friends along the way. The sparse and beautiful language adds a softness to this difficult situation while reminding us all that keeping faith will help us reach the moment when we once again feel "protected and loved."
Imagine It!
If you were to move into a new house, what about it would you like to have similar to your previous house? What would you like to be different?
Imagine walking into a new classroom. What might be going through your mind? What might your new classmates be thinking?
The main character's change also affected other characters in the story. Think about the girl who invited her to join the game on the playground. Imagine how they both might feel having someone new to play with.