As a former educator and now a full-time author, I am delighted to come to schools, libraries, community centers, and events for readings, presentations, crafts, and writing workshops.
The following proposals will benefit you, your students, and enhance your curriculum. And, we can always discuss and plan specific topics on which to focus. Just let me know!
To schedule a visit for the 2024-25 school year, you may contact me here.

Feelings & Friendship
Ideal for grades preschool – 2nd grade
Description: This program gives students the opportunity to each create a small teddy bear and imagine the adventures they could experience together. After a short author introduction and reading of my picture book Teddy, let’s Go!, students will participate in a guided craft activity and discussion on friendship. Students will leave with their own hand-made teddy bear that can help them recount their day, similar to how Teddy recounts his and his child’s adventures in Teddy, let’s Go!
Skills addressed: language arts, math, small muscle, and SEL themes of social awareness, self-management, and relationship skills.
Pricing: $175 (30-minute presentation per class)
Experience a Day in Someone Else’s Paws.
Ideal for grades 3 – 5
Description: This workshop gives children tools to create a scene from their lives as told by a special stuffed animal or toy. Through pretend play, movement, writing, and drawing, participants will enjoy a reading of my picture book Teddy, let’s Go!, identify the voice of the story, and create their own scene from everyday life as told from the point of view of a special stuffed animal or toy. Students will leave with a short scene or a story they can share with others, written and/or illustrated by themselves.
Skills addressed: language arts, small and large muscle, SEL themes of social awareness, self-management, relationship skills, self-awareness, and responsible decision-making.
Pricing: $250 (45-minute presentation per class)
Story Time
Ideal for grades pre-K – 1
Description: A story time consists of a brief introduction, reading of Teddy, let's Go!, and a Q&A session.
Pricing: $75 in person, $50 virtual (30 minutes per class)
Large Group/Assembly
Ideal for grades pre-K – 5
Description: This presentation consists of an introduction (personal background and inspiration), a reading of Teddy, let's Go!, and conclusion ("What makes a good friend?"). It also includes 15 minutes in each classroom where students can share their answers with me and ask any questions about the story or about being an author.
Pricing: $350 for a half day, $600 for a full day
Virtual Visits
All ages
Description: A Zoom call that includes a brief intro, reading, and Q&A.
Pricing: FREE 20 minutes with a minimum of 2 books purchased per class.
*Travel Expenses
Free within Union County, NC or within a 30-minute drive.
up to a 1-hour drive: $50
up to a 2-hour drive: $100
over a 2-hour drive requires travel and possibly accommodation.
Please do not let funding get in the way of an opportunity for your students:
Talk to your PTA about how to work together to earn funds.
Talk to local businesses who may like to sponsor the event.
Look into grants for hosting authors.
Partner with a nearby school to share travel expenses.
Are you a Title I school? I offer a limited number of "pay what you can" visits
per year.
If you're interested in a visit or have questions, please email milynn.nott@gmail.com with subject heading “School Visit 2023-24.”
Janine M. Walsh
Kindergarten Teacher & Coordinator
Rocky River Public Schools
"We loved having Michelle Nott visit our classroom and share her book, Teddy, Let’s Go! [...] Students were engaged the entire time and really enjoyed making their own hand-made teddy bears to take home and have adventures with. You can really tell that Michelle was a teacher before because she was able to keep the kids interested and excited about learning. Thank you for coming in and being so wonderful! It was definitely one of the highlights of the school year for my students as well as for me!"
Jessica Sobel
2nd grade teacher
Rivera Elementary School
"Thank you so much for coming and I hope you are working on another book so you can come back!! The teachers and kids LOVED your visit. The teachers said they were touched by the story and are so glad they purchased it! The students were so in awe..."
Tina McClanahan
Meck Pre-K Success Coach
Smart Start at Mecklenburg County, NC
"It was a great day and I so appreciate how you provided the students with an extension activity. You can tell you love children and have taught before. You masterfully embedded many literacy and math concepts throughout your time with them."
Good Shepherd Preschool Illinois

Lynn Fitz-Harris,
Primary Teacher
Le Verseau International School
"On behalf of L’Ecole International Le Verseau; both teachers and children - THANKS A MILLION! Your visit was not only fun but interesting and educational at every level."
Carolina Beach Elementary
North Carolina